Let's Observe

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

You see this particular human in her environment. 

She’s observant, yet quiet the whole time. It seems like she doesn’t want to interact with those of her species. It’s been going on like this for months; she seems accustomed to everyone, but she looks like she doesn’t want to mingle with other–

... What’s this?

She... she’s starting to walk up to the others?? 

She’s smiling? 

Amazing! We haven’t seen this in a very long time! She rarely ever brings herself to confront others and being happy! How cute!

This was practically the reaction others had on Saturday while rehearsing with the SDKFM. One of the few times I actually started to feel like I became part of the group.

I was slowly coming out of my shell.

Since August, I always had kept my distance with the group. Besides the times that we were practicing together, it was during the small breaks in between that I would stay at a corner and watch everyone socialize with each other and have fun. I could never bring myself to actually come up to them, or them actually come up to me and talk to me. Everyone knew each other, and my friend was with his friends, so I like to sit and watch everyone be a family together.

However, on Saturday October 27th, our group decided to have little “houses” so that we can mingle with others that they normally talk to.

A chance for me to actually be more out there.

My first step in becoming part of the group, I was smiling more than ever, people coming up to me, and I was able to respond happily, having fun with them. Coming up with group names, poses, teaching each other dancing individually: that was what I needed.

Because of that day, I started being more comfortable with the group.

I’m coming out of my shell slowly.


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